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Are you ready to get more involved in GAWL?

Let us know which committees you would like to learn more about.



Communications - the Communications Committee coordinates the publishing and distribution of all GAWL communications, including e-blasts, social media, the GAWL Listserve, publications and press releases, and the GAWL website. The committee also maintains the GAWL events calendar. Contact for more information.

Judicial Applicant Review - the Judicial Applicant Review Committee (JARC) researches judicial applicants and reports its findings to the State of Georgia's Judicial Nominating Committee, which is responsible for recommending to the Governor a short list of qualified individuals for judicial appointments. Contact for more information. 

Leadership - the Leadership Committee coordinates the training and development of GAWL members for leadership positions inside and outside of GAWL through leadership training programs, such as the Leadership Academy and the Leader Within. Contact for more information.

Membership - the Membership Committee is responsible for working with the Organizational Administrator on the annual and mid-year membership campaigns and for seeking opportunities for GAWL to grow and diversify its membership and connect with other organizations, groups, or individuals for mutual benefit. Contact for more information. 

Mentoring - the Mentoring Committee establishes mentoring opportunities for GAWL members, including mentoring circles, affinity groups and neighborhood networking breakfasts (NNBs) and also spearheads the GAWLedu program for new lawyers. Contact for more information.

Programs - the Programs Committee is responsible for creating and promoting programs of interest to our members, including professional development topics, lunch and learn programs, and continuing education opportunities. The committee also assists local GAWL chapters with planning programs. Contact for more information.

Public Affairs - the Public Affairs Committee focuses on providing GAWL members with opportunities to improve their careers and impact their communities through workplace and public policy advocacy and education. Contact for more information.

Special Events - the Special Events Committee plans GAWL's signature events, including the Holiday Party, the Judicial Luncheon and the Annual Dinner. Contact for more information.

Strategic Partnerships - the Strategic Partnerships Committee serves as the central fundraising arm of GAWL. This committee seeks out sponsorship opportunities that allow GAWL to connect with other professional organizations, groups or individuals for mutual benefit and coordinates with other committees so as to maintain sponsor participation in events. Volunteer opportunities on this committee include recruiting new sponsors, working with existing sponsors and other GAWL committees to ensure sponsor utilization and retention, and working with GAWL Chapters to assist and support their local sponsorship efforts. Contact for more information.